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Saturn Return: A Structural Lens for Evolution

The astrology heads all know we’ve just had a major shift. On December 17, 2020, Saturn shifted from its placement in Capricorn to Aquarius. When Saturn makes it way to the sign where it was when you were born, you’re considered to be experiencing a Saturn Return.

Whether you’re into astrology or not, taking note of the Saturn Return can be a pretty powerful exercise. The past year has been wild, but what about the 2 years prior? If you were born between November 12, 1988 and February 6, 1991, you just went through your first Saturn Return which started December 29, 2017. It’s fun being part of the Capricorn stellium club. 

Vulnerability (2017) by Eva Woolridge - Before Saturn Return

The extremely basic idea behind it is that during this time we become the person we’re meant to be. Or at least we have a profound opportunity to. We always have the chance to evolve, but sometimes, certain points in your life are more ready turning points if we’re paying attention.

I went into my Saturn Return living in New York in the midst of multiple messy breakups. I was one year into cultivating Boneseed running around slinging tarot cards, teaching yoga and generally trying to figure my shit out.

I ended it married and living in my hometown, Miami.

I went in rejecting all the structures I’ve ever known. I came out with custom built structures. A relationship and marriage build on my own terms. A lifestyle that isn’t perfect, but that allows me the space to learn and grow. A desire to connect more deeply with the communities and wildness around me.

In between I hosted and produced a variety show in two cities. Evolved Boneseed from a tarot and yoga practice to a practice that encourages self discovery and evolution through one on one mentorship, workshops, and discussion groups. I started solo road tripping and developed a deep relationship with wilderness. I suffered illness and injury that knocked me the fuck down and required a lot of time, money, and energy to recover from. I have fallen to my knees and sobbed more than I knew was possible. 

I have felt profoundly alone and misunderstood.

After Saturn Return - Fresh out of fucks to give

I have felt seen and held and comforted. 

I have learned to reach out for help.

I have learned to hold myself. 

The friends that have stayed, that have shared laughs and cries and drives and memes and phone calls during these 3 wild years are deep ones. Despite distance and global tragedy, I am grateful that the true homies stick around. Whether we connect in person, over the phone or on Instagram, I am so happy you’re around.

The clients who have come and gone, the one’s who have stuck around, I am profoundly grateful for your trust, your courage, your vulnerability. It has been a fucking honor to hold up a mirror and show you who you can be. To open a window and show you alternatives. To show you have fucking amazing you are. My love for you defies gravity.

Living near family again has been another huge part of this process. Older, wiser, growing past our old dynamics even though they sometimes resurface. I’m lucky to do this work around people who keep me humble (most notably my brother and husband).

What have the past 3 years looked like for you?

How have you changed, evolved, and grown?

What have you kept?

What have you left behind?

I have found more balance between spirituality and reality.

I have upleveled my eyewear.

I have fully stopped wearing makeup (this started pre-pandemic).

I no longer wear clothes that are not comfortable (also pre-pandemic).

I am more comfortable holding dualities, like my awesomeness + power to serve others and my utter insignificance in the grans scheme of the cosmos.

I have completely transformed…. and yet, I’m totally the same. Maybe you are, too. Whether you have just finished your Saturn Return, are about to begin it, or are somewhere in between, how have the past three years lead you somewhere new? Where will you go during this new cycle? Mostly we won’t know—I could have never imagined my current reality three years ago—but we get to choose where we go with what we’re given.

So what will you choose?